The Friday Experience: Firepower Productions – Summer Blowout

“Owl” – Joshua Finley

Leave it to Producer, Jennifer Levine of Firepower Productions to find a way to get you out and about on the weekend. Firepower Productions is hosting their 3rd Annual Summer Blowout this Saturday, August 17th, at The Cantina, located at 1109 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO from 12 p.m.-2 a.m.

FirepowerLevine has a way of joining some of the hottest artist with incredible entertainment that will leave you breathless and wanting more.  Here is just the short list of the line-up for Saturday’s entertainment and artists:

"Val Cat 2" - Body Painting - David Caballero
“Val Cat 2” – Body Painting – David Caballero


David Caballero is one such artist who has worked as a Special FX Make Up Artist for over 30 years and has focused on Body Painting for the past 7 years. “I have always been interested in art,” smiles Caballero.


“As a child, my mother took me to meet a traveling artist, Zarco, an emerging Hispanic artist. I was blown away by his sculptures and the elaborate masks he created. At the age of 6, I knew that being an artist was my calling and I have stayed true to that dream.”



“I find that Body Painting is still viewed as an erotic medium,” states Caballero and continues “I have spent years working to bring the art out of the back room and into the spotlight. It is an amazing art on the most wonderful of canvases, the human body.”


Comedian Chris Carlton
Comedian Chris Carlton


Comedian, Chris Carlton will be your Host for the day into night. “Without a doubt, the biggest reward is hitting the stage and making people laugh!”, smiles Carlton. “I’ve always been a class clown and loved making people crack up. It’s something that is second nature to me and has gotten me fired from several jobs,” laughs Carlton.

“I remember the conversations with ex bosses, “Well Mr. Carlton, it seems as thought you’re more interested in making the rest of the staff laugh and making smart ass comments than you are in cooking fries and there’s just NO room at Chili’s for a rebel like that”, how they were able to say that and keep a straight face is beyond me, because this was usually the point in the conversation where I would start laughing really hard and get fired.  Fired for doing the same thing I get paid for now,” smiles Carlton, “That’s a huge reward.”


"Owl" - Joshua Finley
“Owl” – Joshua Finley


Joshua Finley‘s medium is Pencil, Ink, Watercolor and Acrylic.  Finley’s art work is the the flyer you gaze upon before entering your favorite Night Club, Concert, Theater, Restaurant and yes, you can also find his artwork hanging in Fine Art Galleries.

“I’ve been drawing since I could hold a crayon. It is the only thing I remember always wanting to do from childhood to this day,” smiles Finley.

“I do a lot of work in the music industry. It’s really awesome seeing creations for bands come to life. Shirts I’ve designed, album covers, concert posters pushed all over the United States, that’s pretty badass!” states Finley. “For others that want to head into this industry, be thinking constantly about how to create your path. Not just your artwork but your path so that it can be a lifelong adventure. However, you gotta work all the time. Enjoy creating your art, it should be exciting and not a chore.”


To learn more about David Callabero, you can contact him at Caballero Arts and Entertainment, 303.856.8410, and

You can contact Chris Carlton through Facebook through his direct name or Sk3tchy Entertainment, and

To view more of Joshua Finley’s artwork visit

And of course you can contact FirepowerProductions for your special entertainment needs at,


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