We’re Looking for the Most Diehard Coloradan in the State

Do you know someone that lives and breathes the Mile High? Are they so Colorado that their other Subaru is a Subaru? Do they eat Raiders fans for breakfast and actually know what is the best green chili in Denver? Are they so Colorado that they own a “native” bumper sticker and you aren’t even mad? But seriously, if you know someone that embodies the spirit of what it means to live in Colorado, we want to know them so we can crown them “Captain Colorado” in honor of 303 Day.

Go here to read about last year’s winners.

Submit their story below and sign them up to win a Mile High worth of prizes that any die-hard Coloradan would love. Nominations end 2/28 and the winner will be notified by 3/1. We will choose one male and one female winner. 

Prizes include

1. “Captain Colorado Passes” to Keggs and Eggs and get to lead the opening toast

2. Coloradical outfit from Belong Designs

3. $100 at Illegal Pete’s

4. A case of New Belgium Beer

Click Here to Enter

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