B-Confident: Dont Give ‘Em the Treat ’til They Learn the Trick

If you have ever owned a pet—especially a puppy—you know the amount of nurture, attention, patience, and obedience they demand. This is presuming you intend them to develop into well-trained dogs.

Think of a new relationship in a similar context—puppy love—if you will. It all begins with an endearing gaze, playful tendencies, cuddling, and immediate forgiveness of those minor accidents that are bound to happen. It is an inevitable outcome, if you do not set expectations and remain stern to them, that your cute puppy will grow into an unruly dog…and no one wants that.

Various methods have been implemented to training puppies. My predilection is that old platitude, “ the rewarding system”, AKA a treat for good behavior.

Foremost, we should clarify as to what constitutes a treat. I find intimate acts work as tantalizing leverage. This can take form in something as innocent as a peck on the cheek, to engaging in the Hugh Hefner Olympics. Be prudent, in premise that the treat should always equate to the trick, start small and finish big.


  • First Step: Designate the trick you want your new beau to learn. It may be that you have a palate for a particular wine or you enjoy holding hands in public. Perhaps, you would like to reform some of their indecorous mannerisms etc…
    Second Step: Display or give nuance to what you would like preformed, always use subtlety in the beginning. For example: I absolutely love pomegranate red wine by ReVah, we should try it together one of these evenings. Make commentary on a couple holding hands strolling down the sidewalk and emphasize how you positively adore hand-holding in public as a display of affection.
    Third Step: Grant opportune moments for you darling to present their new tricks, in other words “testing them.” Should they prevail, issue them a treat.


Now, some puppies are obstinate in that they require a firm hand. Meaning to say, they need you to exhibit what exactly it is you want and how you want it…don’t be timid to enforce action. In the instance of hand holding, if they aren’t quite catching on, initiate hand holding the first few times. In the most unfavorable of plights there is still the steadfast and ever successful “dog house.”



Advice from you confidant: Training is about minor critiques, not complete alterations to their person. Bear in mind, if you find them abound in foibles, they may not be the puppy for you.


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