The Cheaper Side of Life: Beauty on a budget

“If not you, then who? If not now, when?”-Talmud. If you’re anything like me, this quote reminds you of your New Year’s resolutions. The ones you rarely stick to your guns with, year after year. To ring in the new decade I feel convicted to hold myself accountable to my resolutions: managing my money better. Since the holidays, I’ve been forced to face the facts that stare back at me from my bank account summary. If I want to save my moolah this year without drastically changing my lifestyle, I must cut all the corners I can. Sure, I can omit the $4 morning lattes, make my own lunch, or use public transportation; however, anyone that knows me knows the one thing I will never forfeit or compromise is beauty up-keep and the therapeutic escape of pampering myself.

Nothing can replace the simple joy and rejuvenation that a professional facial or massage brings. The Aveda Institute in Downtown Denver on 16th St and California offers an hour long facial or massage for $35, or a 90 minute facial or massage for just $45. They do a great job. Having a family whose idea of relieving stress is a trip to the salon, believe me I know a quality facial.

You can also walk down the street to the Aveda Talent Academy on Market & 16th and get a haircut for $12 your first visit and $16 on your second. They also offer many other services at unbeatable prices.

Indulgences Day Spa in the Highlands has a salon happy hour on Tues/Wed/Thurs from 1-3pm that discounts any service 20%. The Beauty Bar is supposedly offering a Mani/Martini combo for $8. They are in the old Snake Pit spot on 13th.

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