Love Guru: Get Kinky

118574612It is time to break out after a period of deep renewal, and the energy breaking out is that of our creativity and sexuality; and further, it is pushing us hard to do so in new and unusual, unconventional and kinky ways. It is pushing us to push our limits far out past where they have been, to try new things, test new waters, play new games. Practically, it means to follow something I have proposed for many years: “The only thing to do with temptation is to give into it!”

Now, in America, there are some big walls to prevent this, called “being a moral person”, that have come from the Puritanical dictates of a bunch of religious fanatics who poisoned anything (especially sex) that gave any pleasure whatsoever. They maintained that the only way to get God’s good graces and go to Heaven was to suffer, to deny the flesh and its pleasures as God’s test.

Whoa. Hang on a minute. What sort of God would give you a body with lots of senses to enjoy the physical world and then say you are bad and evil and wrong if you enjoy those god-given senses? A sick god, that’s what. In fact, in psychiatry, that is called the behavior of a schizophrenogenic parent… one who leaves cookies on the table and tells the kids not to touch them, knowing full well it is in the kids’ nature to eat the cookies, then punishing them for eating them.

So, I invite you – if you are under the old beliefs of what is moral, to choose a god who wants you to enjoy being human, and whose morality says that you have the right to pursue your own happiness and pleasure.Kinky

More and more, our society is accepting that there are many different needs and pleasures to be enjoyed by different people. The gay community is currently being rehabilitated as having rights to follow their predilections, and the least you can do is to give yourself the same right.

But to do so, you must explore, test, try and discover, and if you dare to take that journey, the chances are that much life enhancement will be yours, much richness will be added and much quality will be found.

Live life to the fullest means growing into the new and expanding your range of choices. Go forth and explore.




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WEB photo ME -> RAustralian Gregory Charles is an astrologer, a personal growth and spiritual leader and alternative healer who has appeared in the national media in many countries (MTV, Good Morning America, BBC). His astrology clients have included Dr. Hunter S. Thompson and Carmen Electra. He has delivered sex and relationship seminars to tens of thousands of people around the world and is a guest lecturer at CU Boulder. Gregory is available for personal guidance and astrology readings.


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