Peculinarian: A Different Way to See Denver

All right, it is time to brag just a little about our great city of Denver.
You have to admit that Denver is one of the greatest cities in the country. It is beautiful, diverse, and has a plethora of entertaining bars and clubs to help you forget your problems for a while. There are so many venues, in fact, that it could be difficult to experience them all, or choose which one is appropriate for your mood at that time. Enter Megan Bucholz, founder of the Local Table Tours’ Denver Cocktail Tour, who can assist you in finding your new favorite Denver bar. Megan chooses three of Denver’s trendiest bars you may have never known about, and leads you on a fun, enlightening tour where bartenders will either make you their favorite drinks on the menu or come up with a concoction completely off the top of their heads.

Megan started Local Table Tours a little less than a year ago after having much success with her Boulder walking tours. About three years ago, she began doing Dining Tours with inquiring Boulderites and realized how popular the idea was. Eventually, Megan developed Coffee and Pastry Tours, Cheese Tours, Market-to-Table Tours, and (of course) Cocktail Tours that patrons in Boulder gushed about. She decided it was time to bring her passion and knowledge for the best places to go to Denver, testing the waters with her famous Cocktail Tours. Megan takes great pride and care in selecting the bars she takes her tour guests to, going out to each bar/restaurant and experiencing it firsthand, so you never have to worry about ending up at some random dive. She also has many contacts in the industry who give her tips and clue her in on the trendiest spots to go. This girl really knows her stuff.

Personally, I found Local Table Tours’ Denver Cocktail Tours quite informative. Kicking off the tour at Euclid Hall, I had the chance to test a new drink before it was on the menu. We then walked over to Tag Raw, where I learned how to mix a delicious peach cocktail that our bartender made up for us himself. I had never been to Tag Raw before, as it is tucked away in one of the downstairs areas of Larimer, and I was very impressed at the skills and friendliness of the staff. It was then on to Tag, where I learned the story behind James Bond’s favorite drink, found out that vermouth goes bad, and realized that the Vesper (James Bond’s famous drink of choice) is a little too much for my tastes. As Megan says, the Denver Cocktail Tours really “make you start to appreciate the art of the cocktail.”

Local Table Tours’ Denver Cocktail Tours are an enjoyable and educational way to check out Denver’s most popular Hot Spots. Megan is not only a bubbly and sociable host, but a wise leader into a new land of drinks. Great for Bachelorette parties, out-of-towners, and cocktail connoisseurs alike, Local Table Tours’ Denver Cocktail Tours will immediately be that different kind of experience you can talk about.

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