Tom Bond: Doesn’t Stand A Chance

Untitled by Tom Bond
Untitled by Tom Bond

Tom Bond doesn’t stand a chance (well, that’s according to the title of the show: Tom Bond “Doesn’t Stand A Chance”). But his art does. From hand-built wooden canvases to pages ripped out from books, Bond shows that any material can be transformed into art.

Calliope Songs by Tom Bond

Currently working in New York as an artist and a skateboard shop employee, Tom Bond “Doesn’t Stand a Chance” at Love Gallery brings the artist back to his home state. Using a variety of media such as acrylic, spray paint, ink, pastel and pencil, Bond’s work lends itself to the whimsy of creativity. Three-eyed monsters with dripping fangs, tree houses teetering high above the ground and geometric fortresses (among others) transformed the exhibition into a childhood fantasy.

With such a variety of subject matter, Tom Bond “Doesn’t Stand A Chance,” may seem overwhelming at first. However, upon further inspection recurring symbols become apparent. Take for example the trees or the flags that Bond incorporates into the majority his pieces. “The more work I do, the more I try to expand on the last piece,” said Bond, “The flags have to do with the backwards notion of planting a flag to claim your territory.”

Teeth by Tom Bond

Or there are the torn pages from books, many of which depict black and white images of men in suits. Using acrylic and ink, Bond blotted out each man’s face with a bright splash of color, effectively erasing any trace of individuality. In doing so, all of the men are placed on the same level. No longer can one man stand out from another, as their physical features are masked. They are all equal.

The process behind each piece is also visible. Looking closely, one can see the pencil marks Bond drew to begin his work. The outcome is a variety of faint geometric patterns and lines. While some may speculate that this feature detracts from the piece, the symmetrical nature of the markings actually ties the work together.

Untitled by Tom Bond

Similarly, the natural elements of the wooden canvases play off the imagery of the pieces themselves. Looking at the three-eyed monster, the knots visible in the wood mimic the eyes of the creature, adding a new twist to the work.

Whether it’s the materials incorporated or the works themselves, Tom Bond “Doesn’t Stand A Chance” provides a unique take on the artistic process. To check out Tom Bond “Doesn’t Stand A Chance,” visit Love Gallery in Denver. All pieces are for individual sale. The show runs until July 29.


Jessica Kleinman is an art and culture intern/writer for 303 Magazine. She is currently studying journalism at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Follow her posts on Twitter.


1 comment
  1. Love artists that use a common theme well, as it looks like Tom has done here. Often times artists use the same motifs resulting in a lack of differentiation, Tom however seems to have a nice creative usage of his motifs, almost making his pieces like songs on an album, all part of a better cause but able to stand alone as well. Great write-up, looking forward to more!

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