OPINION: Celebrity Impact on Fashion — Myth or Reality?

Celebrity life is glamorized across various mediums — from magazines and news articles to movies, TV shows, songs, books, and our everyday experiences.

Whether it’s streetwear, casual attire, evening wear, or the red carpet, celebrities consistently elevate their fashion game when appearing in public, as often depicted in magazines and articles.

But, do celebrities truly influence people with their fashion choices, or are their outfits merely admired and observed for aesthetic appreciation and serve as a source of inspiration?

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I believe the influence also varies based on the occasion. When celebrities dress in red carpet attire, adorned with jewels, sleek hairstyles, and elaborate ensembles, we tend to admire and appreciate the glamour rather than seek to copy it entirely. 

Yet, on special occasions, one might draw inspiration from a star’s look, incorporating elements such as sparkly earrings, specific fabric textures like metallic or silk, or even replicating a hairstyle.

When it comes to everyday attire, I frequently encounter celebrity outfits in magazines, gossip news, or even TikTok — especially those worn by Paige Lorenze, Matilda Djerf, or Kendall Jenner. In such instances, I am inspired to incorporate elements of their style into my wardrobe, seeking to imitate their fashion in my unique way.

Photo Courtesy of The Jut

This aligns with our tendency to follow the aspirational quality of their looks. Seeing our favorite celebrities, or maybe even role models in a way, wear certain outfits or embody a particular style, often sparks a desire and longing to capture and recreate that aesthetic. This may involve buying those specific clothing items, ones like them, or even embracing an entirely different fashion persona inspired by a celebrity.

Social media platforms play a crucial role in accentuating this influence. Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok provide celebrities with a direct channel to share their daily fashion choices and glimpses into their lives, and this creates a more intimate and real connection with their followers. 

This closeness and immediacy enable fans to quickly embrace and witness firsthand celebrity styles, creating a powerful and immediate influence on the fashion choices of ordinary individuals.

I also believe that we are influenced by celebrity fashion through their brands. When a celebrity partners with a brand or launches their line, it not only brings their style to a broader audience but also opens the door to accessibility. 

Fans can then feel a sense of connection by incorporating pieces from these collaborations into their wardrobes, blurring the lines between celebrity fashion and their everyday style.

Take Kim Kardashian, for instance, the creator of Skims. She has established a powerful line of sleek and comfortable clothing, as well as intimate accessories, which has gained popularity among both men and women for everyday casual wear. The range includes options like long sleeves, short sleeves, tanks, shorts, bras, undergarments, and more.

This example carries significant influence, possibly due to its casual appeal.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram @donnatrope

Moreover, celebrities with their beauty brands wield considerable influence in the beauty industry. Hailey Bieber‘s skincare brand, Rhode, for instance, has surged in popularity — particularly on TikTok. Her lip balms, new pineapple cleanser and especially her glazing serum have become the talk of the town.

I genuinely find TikTok to be the most influential platform for me, as opposed to magazines. The images and styles featured in magazines often seem distant and nearly impossible to attain or recreate. 

However, on TikTok, when I come across influencers or celebrities like Sabrina Carpenter, Hanna Schönberg, Eva Rose, the creator and owner of Refy Beauty Jess Hunt, or other blue verified users, I sense a more personal and genuine connection to them and their lives.

With TikTok nowadays, users often provide links to the beauty products they use or share details about their outfits, making it significantly more convenient and accessible for everyday consumers.

I’ve been captivated by Paige Lorenze‘s brand – Dairy Boy – lately, and I’ve managed to get my sister hooked as well, particularly with her camo Dairy Boy hoodie. It happened to be my first purchase from her brand.

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I believe celebrities do have influence but it greatly depends on the platform. I discover more fashion inspiration and real-life influence on TikTok and Instagram than in magazines. However, preferences vary. 

In terms of celebrities and stars impacting fashion, I think they do to some extent. People may not necessarily aim to replicate their exact looks but rather draw inspiration from certain pieces to craft something creative and unique.

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