Five Ways to Get Wet in Colorado

Denver is now filled with transplants like myself, and those of us who hail from the East or West Coasts wonder : Where can one get their swim on in Colorado? After all, it’s a landlocked state, so the easy answer of “the beach” doesn’t necessarily apply. But it turns out, Colorado, and even Denver specifically, has all kinds of ways to get wet and wild during these hot and dry months.

Here are 5 ways to get wet in Colorado this summer: 

1. Attend a 303 Pool Party


303 puts on its very own and very awesome pool parties every summer. If you are trying to show off your latest style, mingle with some awesome people, wine and dine, and swim all at the same time, this is the perfect place to do so. This year’s parties will take place on June 14th, July 12th and August 9th, all Sundays, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at The Breaker’s Resort pool. Not only are these events an awesome chance to just swim or lounge by the pool and tan while hanging with friends, there will also be international DJs for entertainment and a poolside fashion show. If water and good times are your thing, you won’t want to miss out on these events. Don’t know what to wear? Get some ideas here.

2. Check Out an Awesome Pool in Town


If you hadn’t noticed already, Denver is host to a ridiculously amazing array of parks, as well as wonderful services for the community. So it should come as no surprise that there are also a bunch of great options for pools as well. There are thirteen indoor and sixteen outdoor pools in Denver available through Denver Parks and Recreation, to say nothing of any private pools or pools in a friend’s apartment complex that you may have access to. It’s the South West – we’ve got tons of pools! All of the public Denver outdoor pools will be open from June 8th to August 11th. They offer swimming lessons, classes and other activities, but you can also just head there during normal swimming hours to relax and have a good time with your friends.

3. Water World

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If you’ve seen the “South Park” episode with Water World in it, the very words may conjure up cringes and thoughts of pools full of pee. But get past it, pack up your swimsuit and head ten miles north of Denver to Federal Heights, home of Water World. This park is legendary, and is open every year, Memorial Day through Labor Day. There are massive water slides, a lazy river, a wave pool and much more. We all know that water parks can be corny, overpriced and get a bit old after a while, but nothing beats a day to do nothing but swim, run around, get sunburned and drink overpriced beer around a bunch of screaming kids. It’s summer, so why not?

4. Slide the City

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Colorado is in for a really awesome treat this summer as Slide the City will be coming to Boulder July 18th, Colorado Springs August 15th and Castle Rock on August 29th. Slide the City is all about covering 1,000 feet of city streets with a portable water slide. At this event you can slide around, strut your stuff in your bikini, hang with friends and just enjoy the sun. And since the slide is traveling all summer and will only be in Colorado a few days this year, that makes it even more special and all the more reason to go out and slide the city this summer.

5. Find a Natural Swimming Hole


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Everything mentioned above is a blast but at its heart, Colorado is really all about the wonders of nature, so what better way to appreciate summer and swimming in this great state than to get out into the great outdoors? There are plenty of outdoor swimming spots to find and explore all over the state, but two of the most famous are The Devil’s Punchbowl in Aspen (a cold and inviting swimming hole tucked between boulders smack in the middle of one of the most beautiful parts of Colorado) and Guffey’s Paradise Cove in Southern Colorado (underneath a waterfall and sandstone cliffs). Some of these spots are a bit of a trek by car to get to but the experience is totally worth it. These swimming holes make a great day trip destination and certainly some awesome memories.

All photos courtesy of Facebook or 303 Magazine

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