Cotopaxi’s 24-Hour Adventure Race Returns to Denver This Weekend

Denver Events, 303 Magazine, Questival, Denver, Cotopaxi, Tyler Harvey, Denver Adventure, Denver Travel

We all remember those times as kids participating in scavenger hunts with our classmates and friends. That feeling of excitement and adventure which adrenalized our youth has seemingly faded upon adulthood. But maybe that feeling is only dormant, waiting to be released on a youthful adventure with best friends and strangers alike? Well, fret no longer because Cotopaxi will return to Denver this week with its do-good adventure race, Questival.

Denver Events, 303 Magazine, Questival, Denver, Cotopaxi, Tyler Harvey, Denver Adventure, Denver Travel

If you’re unfamiliar with Cotopaxi Questival is a 24-hour (yes… it’s a full day) scavenger hunt that tours the country and will be returning to Denver May 12 through 13. Contestants can form teams of two to six in order to complete a list of challenges in an attempt to win prizes. Well, as much of the list as possible. There are over 350 challenges in 12 different categories. All contestants get a complementary Cotopaxi backpack, but the awards for winners come in all shapes and sizes from swag to travel vacations. All of this adds up to $10,000 in prizes.

“We like to promote the cultural side of the city as well as the outdoors, so Denver is built perfect for this.” Denver event producer, Flip Chavez

Denver Events, 303 Magazine, Questival, Denver, Cotopaxi, Tyler Harvey, Denver Adventure, Denver Travel
Challenge 12: Visit a natural body of water. Jump in if you feel like it.

After signup, the madness begins 24-hours before the start of the Questival when all participants will be emailed a list. This massive to-do list includes tasks that range from adventure and fitness to camping and survival to community and environment. Over the course of the full day, teams will step outside of their comfort zones and even do some good in the process with the Questival’s “Do Good” challenges. Check out some of their previous challenges below:

  • Donate blood while wearing Dracula teeth.
  • Make a canoe out of cardboard. See if it can float with a teammate in it.
  • Collect 50 pieces of trash along a hiking trail and recycle what you can.
  • Jump into a body of water with your clothes on. Bring a towel!
  • Go to a public place and eat an onion like one might eat an apple. Pretend that this is your “normal” and film others reactions.
  • Personally, thank a current/former professor/teacher/coach for the impact they have had on your life. Phone, facetime or skype.
  • Find/create a “dance circle” (with at least 20 people) and take center stage and bring the house down with your moves.
  • Cross the Canada or Mexico border.

Denver Events, 303 Magazine, Questival, Denver, Cotopaxi, Tyler Harvey, Denver Adventure, Denver Travel

Some people have argued on Cotopaxi’s website that they thought it was too much social media and not enough adventure. But Chavez claims one of their categories is entirely dedicated to the outdoors (the category is hiking and adventuring). It’s likely it will come down to your team choosing as much adventure as you and your team are willing to take on. When asked about the challenge “cross the border into Canada or Mexico,” Chavez said that one year a team in Phoenix did it and completed a bunch of missions in Tijuana.

Check-in begins Thursday, May 11 at Rhein Haus where teams will be encouraged to stick around, play some bocce and grab a drink. The race begins in Sculpture Park on Friday, May 12. The second check-in begins at 5 p.m. but the 24-hours don’t start counting down until 7 p.m. Once 7 p.m. hits, madness will erupt throughout Denver as adventurers roam the streets (and mountains) with totems that read “Do Good.” The first-place team will win anywhere from $200-300 per person in travel money as well as gear for their next adventure. First through 10th place teams will all be awarded prizes and there will be specific challenges with opportunities to win something as well. They’re expecting about 800 teams and 3,500 people so this weekend in Denver is sure to be an exciting one. Head here for more information. 


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