The naughty nurse who mistakenly consoles Ferris Bueller’s sister—instead of Bueller himself—is easily the most well known singing telegram messenger portrayal in modern cinema. Even though my sister and I watched the John Hughes movie a dozen times growing up, I still didn’t realize delivering singing telegrams was a bona fide occupation until a decade or more later (when my then belly dancer girlfriend delivered “belly grams”). Maybe it’s because Bueller’s nurse speak-sings? Either way, many people are in the same boat. I often encounter individuals who don’t realize singing telegrams exist in real life—only in the movies—until I inform them (and/or demonstrate) otherwise. Some simply think they’re a thing of the past, that they disappeared decades ago. Not so. I’m living proof that they’re alive and well. Of course, it’s a niche industry, which is why some people never get a single singing telegram in their entire life. Still, I’ve delivered well over a thousand in my nearly seven year career thus far. I was even featured in a 9 News segment once–wearing a diaper and wings.
Ferris Bueller’s might be one of the most famous “grambushes”, but here’s a few others you may or may not have seen before.