Life is better than ever. And I am very happily dating a woman who has three beautiful kids. But the problem with our small lesbian community is that everybody thinks they know you well, simply because you’ve regularly showed up at parties or events over the years to drink a cosmo and socialize. And as a result of my recent alliance with Juliet, a couple of catty bitches have come forward in protest. Every time you date a new lady in our community, there are always some who act like they’re at your wedding (and they’re always the ones I’d never invite) and the preacher has just popped the question: “If anyone feels this couple should not be united in Holy Matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

So a couple of them have spoken out that I’m not a good match for Juliet because I’m not good with kids. Hmmm, maybe that’s because they’ve never seen me with kids since the only place I run into these bitches is the occasional outing at the bar. The fact of the matter is I happen to like kids a lot. And they always like me back (and you can’t fool kids–they know if you’re really into them or not). Once again, I find myself asking this question in this blog: Why does one couple’s bliss attract hostility?

So this blog is dedicated to those of you who have experienced haters in the midst of your happiness and to those haters who might have some ill-formed opinion to share. Before you open your mouth, read this modern-day twist on the “hold your peace” line: Before we continue, if any of you has anything to say that might change their minds, they don’t want to hear it.