Denver Fashion Week Presents Kids & Teens Fashion Show

Dive into the world of kid’s and teens’ fashion with a Denver Fashion Week show. Explore the latest and upcoming kids and teens trends through the eyes of some of the best local, national and international designers.

Get your Kids & Teens tickets here

Easily one of the cutest Denver Fashion Week shows, the kids and teens show hosts some of the best quality garments Denver has ever seen. See the following designers take the runway — Prom Dress ExchangePeach and Penny , Garb, Inc, Dragonwing and Factory Fashion.

Witness some of the cutest yet sassiest models strut down the runway while also representing what the future of fashion has to offer. DFW’s kids and teens will have everything from sparkly gowns to trendy sportswear. And, a collection will even be designed by the future of the fashion industry.

READ: Denver Fashion Week Announces Sustainable as Opening Night & Tickets

Needless to say, the evening will be filled with ensembles fit for any kid and teen but will also leave you wanting more.

Get your Kids & Teens tickets here

Photoshoot Credits

Creative Director & Photography & Video: David Rossa
Fashion Stylist: Hailee Lucchesi
Hair: Darrel Dewitt
Makeup: Megan Urmann
Models: Karynn Berisie, Justin Erickson & Thaiara Keoninh
Fashion: Victoria Regina, Motwurf, Relic Vintage, The Denver Ginger & Hailee Lucchesi Archives
Marketing: Lauren Lippert
Model Coordinator: Nikki Strickler

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