Love Guru: Narcissism or Not

We are talking about boundaries, and this week brings them into sharp focus. Where and on whom we place our attention will have a big impact on the value, growth and expansion we gain in the coming months. This is brought into sharp focus with the Leo Full Moon this week, but is a perennial issue for most people: Where do I start and end in relationship with others? How much do I share, or keep? What is the balance?

At one end of the spectrum is the Narcissist who believes, and acts, that the Universe (everyone else) revolves around them and refers to them. They are only interested in asking you questions to give them yet another opening to talk about themselves. These folks, and any part of us that acts like this, will be getting ongoing lessons in humility to break down and dissolve our egos. Some people are of course immune to any and all lessons – Donald Trump comes to mind… a pure ego pretending to be a human. Don’t fall for it, or into it!

Every great philosophy teaches us that the path to the other end of the spectrum – true quality of life and fulfillment – is through generosity and service to others… I would add, to people who appreciate and value your giving – there are lots of vampire humans who take with no returned giving, not even “Thanks”.

A wonderful spiritual practice for this: listen to others and only ask questions, or be silent. Do not talk about you unless they ask. By the way, don’t be shocked, most won’t, so look for those who ask, because they are worth knowing, and sharing with, not lost in their own ego.

We are about to have great expansion and that must be shared. We need others to be on our team, and we need to be supporting and encouraging others who we deem worth our time and energy as well. Then we all win and grow together.

Onwards and upwards.



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Australian Gregory Charles is an astrologer, a personal growth and spiritual leader and alternative healer who has appeared in the national media in many countries (MTV, Good Morning America, BBC). His astrology clients have included Dr. Hunter S. Thompson and Carmen Electra. He has delivered sex and relationship seminars to tens of thousands of people around the world and is a guest lecturer at CU Boulder. Gregory is available for personal guidance and astrology readings.




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