Silver Lining

So little Chelsea Clinton grew up and got married in a storybook wedding complete with one of the happiest smiles I’ve ever seen on a human being; a California judge ruled Prop 8, banning gay marriage, unconstitutional; and my girl Juliet and I find ourselves blissfully at peace together.

I sit writing in a coffee shop waiting for Juliet to get off work. Outside it storms, inside I’m exhilarated. Today everyone is beautiful to me–the hippie guy with his hair braided in pigtails walking his Akita leisurely through the rain; the baby dyke with the boyish haircut laughing with a pretty girl under the awning on the patio; the silver haired lady stopped on the sidewalk watching the rain from beneath her umbrella with a joyful smile on her face; the young girl in a rainbow colored bikini top and cutoffs horsing around in the rain and getting soaked with her giggling kid brother. All of them seem to express all the joy inside of me in this singularly beautiful moment.

Progress is certain for equal rights in America, although it may be slow. We have history to prove it–women getting both the vote and equal pay for equal work (albeit within the span of about 100 years); the success of the Civil Rights Movement; and now the continuing progress in the battle for LGBT equality.

Today, the world smiles. Here’s to the joy of the little things and the justice delivered in the big ones.

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