A new kind of bachelorette party is trending. It involves a lot of champagne, a naked man and — art supplies?
The Artful Bachelorette is in Denver this week and Owner Fleur Childs is promising brides-to-be and anyone else celebrating a major milestone (or ladies night) a night to remember — with a nude figure drawing class.
Childs, an Australia native who received her Bachelor of Fine Arts, moved to New York City nearly a decade ago and created the concept for the parties when a close girlfriend expressed difficulty landing on a bachelorette party idea that wasn’t overtly risqué like a strip club or too modest.
“I was like, ‘Just draw a nude dude,’” Childs said.
Childs’ own experience with figure drawing meant the party would have some artistic merit behind it. It wasn’t long before she was running her own bachelorette party business.
“I taught figure drawing in Australia many years ago. So I threw a party for her. It was such a fabulous night. And then I did another girl and then another girl. And then I was like, okay this is a real thing. And then the New York Times wrote an amazing article. Then it was like a stamp of approval. It just kept growing. It’s definitely a word-of-mouth business,” Childs said.
Since opening in 2012, The Artful Bachelorette has expanded to over 13 cities across the US and recently launched in Colorado with plans to host a couple of parties this week.
The classes run at $75 per person if you choose to host the party at your own home or private venue and $89 per person if you choose to attend the party at one of The Artful Bachelorette’s partnered venues like the Clock Tower on 16th Street Mall downtown. The bride is always free.
In addition to the two-hour instruction taught by a trained art teacher, party participants will receive all the necessary art materials, an optional cheese board and glass of champagne, shirtless service and a gorgeous model (you can opt for a male or female model and pay extra for additional models).
According to Childs, some people get a little nervous about the nude model, but she ensures us that the instructor’s job is to make sure everyone feels comfortable and has fun.
“I really want the guests to sit and relax. We promise you’ll learn a little and you’ll laugh a lot. At its core, this is an art class and I am an artist and all my teachers are fine artists,” she said.
It’s also about making sure the model feels comfortable and welcome.
“My main goal is to make sure he feels very safe. No one is going to touch him. It’s 2019 and consent is sexy. If you want to take a photo or put your arm around him, just ask. One of the models coined the phrase ‘consensual objectification.’ They’re 100% here because they like doing this.”
To avoid any unwanted photography, Childs also mentioned that the instructor will typically take everyone’s cell phone during the party, but use one (typically the bride’s) to take photos tastefully.
Surprisingly enough, a lot of attendees at The Artful Bachelorette are more comfortable with the naked models.
“Some people are more nervous about the drawing than the naked person,” Childs laughed. “They’re very nervous about drawing. As we get older, we think, ‘I can’t draw, I’m not an artist.’ But when you’re a kid everybody just draws. The champagne calms the nerves. You don’t need to know how to draw. In two hours, we do promise you will improve.”
Although there is a naked man, Childs insists that’s not really what her business is about.
“It’s mostly about celebrating women. There are not that many spaces out there that allow women to have a sexy experience that isn’t sexual. It’s extremely sexy what we do, but it’s not about his pleasure. It’s about ours. It’s about taking a minute to celebrate her but also taking a minute to celebrate the human form. And laugh.”
To book a party, email [email protected] or call 646-470-1760.
All photography by Jordan Altergott.
Correction: this article was updated to clarify that The Artful Bachelorette officially launched in Denver and has future plans to host parties after the remainder of the following week.
Outrageous! There is no end to people’s creativity. Great article!