Pretty, Please: How to Find a New Hairstylist


Over the years I’ve spent behind the chair, I realize finding a superb hairstylist is as simple as finding a needle in a haystack — it’s challenging and time consuming. Treat your tresses with this fool-proof approach to finding a credible cosmetologist.


Referrals are the leading source in seeking a new hairstylist — ask around. Everyone gets their hair cut, colored or styled at some point or another. So, what if you’re not wooing over your co-worker’s or friend’s look?

Next time you see someone sporting a desirable hair style, ask who is their stylist. Yes, approach a stranger and randomly ask about their hair. Trust me, they love it. Worst case scenario — they don’t remember the stylist’s name, but leave the conversation incredibly flattered.


Consider it an investment. It’s no different than deciding on a quality handbag, really. Most wouldn’t waltz in the nearest department store, pick up the first designer bag in sight and purchase it. Similar to selecting a quality purse, you must shop for a hairstylist.

As a stylist, I recommend reserving a time for a consultation in person. Take note of a few salons you’ve heard about and visit them.

Explain your needs to the service desk coordinator with your intentions to book a consultation at the forefront. Service desk 134052142employees are critical in finding a stylist who meets your needs.

The service desk coordinators are packed full of knowledge. Their recommendations should be highly considered because they:

  • Are knowledgable on stylist’s specialties
  • See every client before, and after their service
  • Are also clients of the salon and have, probably, received hair services from multiple stylists

When you arrive for you’re reserved consultation, be aware of customer service completely:

  • Have you been offered a beverage while you wait?
  • Are style books available for browsing?
  • Ultimately, do you feel comfortable?

While punctuality is consequential, try not to fret over a few minutes. Chances are, your stylist is simply providing their current guest with the same amount of attention you expect. Often times, the guest is trying to master styling techniques they were prescribed to maintain their new look at home.


The most crucial component in searching for a hairdresser is the consultation. Communication is key to achieving your desired look. In as little as 15 minutes, the stylist should have covered all the necessary details to deliver a successful conclusion.

The stylist should address your: 118976900

  • Current style. Is it classic, trendy or fashion-forward?
  • Preferences. What do you like and dislike about your current look?
  • Hair. The stylist should assess your texture, thickness, manageability and condition.
  • Lifestyle. How much time is spent styling? Do you need to be able to pull it up? Do you spend a great deal of time in the sun or in water?
  • Visuals. It’s always safe to bring a picture when trying a new hairdresser. Pictures play a tremendous role in a successful service as you and your stylist need to be on the same page. A pixie haircut may be chin length to you, and much shorter to a stylist. Or, the true red you want could be an orange to your stylist. If you don’t have a picture, ask to see a style book before proceeding.
  • Suggestions. The stylist should offer their ideas, techniques and expertise to accommodate your needs while maintaining the integrity of your hair.
  • Pricing. Hair services can be pricy. Be aware of you’re expected payment prior to beginning the service. Some styles must be maintained with salon visits every six to eight weeks. Does your budget allow for regular visits?

Spontaneity isn’t, and shouldn’t, be required to find a hairstylist. With a little effort, this approach will structure your search and prove to be beneficial when you leave the salon looking, and feeling beautiful.


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