Realistic Resolutions: Get in Shape

In just a little over two weeks, most of us will be with friends and family celebrating Christmas—can you believe that, Christmas? And I don’t know about you, but my holiday shopping has been haunting me since October and I still haven’t put up my tree. (And this was the year I was supposed to be on top of it, not the tree, my shopping.)

It seems like every year comes and goes so fast, and for some reason I just can’t keep up with it all. But, it’s not like I have a choice, the holidays come whether you like it or not…and speaking of holidays, what about New Years?

Yep, that’s creepin’ up on us too.

Okay, raise your hand if you have a resolution (because I know I do). And how many of us have that one goal that we are determined to accomplish year after year and miserably fail at it each and every time? Still raising your hand? Don’t get discouraged, put your hand down and read this…

According to, 40-45 percent of Americans make one or more resolution every year, and only 46 percent actually follow through. So now I don’t feel so bad, because I tend to only screw up one goal each and every year—not two. And my resolutions are never the same, every year I try to think of something different, let me see if I can remember a few…

So, one year I actually wanted to try skydiving—never happened…and another year I told myself that I was going to climb a “Fourteener”—never happened…and this year I was supposed to have this book that I’m working on finished by November—and I’m still working on it.

But 2012 will be different, because I have two resolutions…

Resolution one: I will keep this resolution.

Resolution two: I’m going to get in great shape.

And not only am I sharing this with all of you, but I’m putting it in black and white as well. Maybe if I do this, it might make me more determined to go through with it.

Now, I already consider myself to be in pretty good shape—I work out at least 3 days a week, and don’t get “winded” to easily. I have been doing this for quite some time, but I feel like I’ve somewhat plateaued into my fitness journey, and I’m also curious to see what my body can really do. I love a challenge and pushing myself to the limit…but where can I accomplish this and how?

About a month ago, I was watching 9News and I saw a story about two women (moms) who got their bikini bodies back after being chosen to participate in the, “9NEWS Bikini Body After Baby” series—and they just didn’t “slim down,” these girls looked good. I couldn’t believe their incredible transformations and I was dying to know how they did it. Regardless of how “in shape” I thought I was, I knew this guy was the one to push me to my limits, and I just had to meet him.

Before and after of one of Chris' clients, Jasmin


And who is this guy? Chris Williamson, owner and trainer of The Gym in south Denver. I worked out with him on Tuesday and let me just say that my arms feel like Jell-O. There was actually a few times when I thought I just couldn’t squeeze one more rep’ out of myself, but he helped me through it. With him, I’ve discovered that I didn’t know how to challenge myself—even though I thought I was—I wasn’t. I also discovered a few things I was doing wrong all this time (which was quite the shocker) since I’ve been working out for so long.




So here it is my New Year’s resolution for 2012—I’m going to push myself to a place I’ve never been before. And I think this is a perfect place to start. You know, I also read online that among the most common New Year’s resolutions is to get in shape, and I feel confident that I will accomplish this as long as I come here.

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