I spent this past weekend in Los Angeles. Let me preface with the fact that I do not like Los Angeles. I actually kind of hate it. Call me a New Yorker at heart or someone who just appreciates an educated populous, I just don’t like it. With that being said, I did have a wonderful time, with wonderful company. I am also thankful to LA or I guess the pollution because I was finally able to use my Zeno Hot Spot when I arrived home because nothing gives me a worse complexion than LA’s smog.

I am going to be honest, I was hesitant about this whole Zeno Hot Spot business. However, if I have that certain kind of painful, piece of shit zit in the middle of my face, I don’t know about you but I’ll try anything.  So I gave her a whirl, and I was actually pleasantly surprised. No my zit didn’t disappear completely, nor did I expect it to but it did take down the swelling and relieved that awful pain, all I can ask for in a little zit zapping device available at most drugstores.  So, consider me officially smitten with Whitney Port and her Zeno Hot Spot. Los Angeles on the other hand, not so much.

Product of the Week: Zeno Hot Spot.
