Talking Points: Henry Rollins

Henry Rollins has got more stories than Grandpa Simpson. Not only that, whereas Simpson seems permanently cursed with verbal diarrhea, people all over the planet eagerly part with greenbacks to hear the ex-Black Flag frontman yak. Rollins’ Frequent Flyer Tour rolls into The Boulder Theater this Tuesday.


Hank the Crank

Henry Rollinshas more stories than Grandpa Simpson. Whereas Simpson seems permanently cursed with verbal diarrhea, though, people all over the planet eagerly part with greenbacks to hear the ex-Black Flag frontman yak. Rollins’ Frequent Flyer Tour rolls into The Boulder Theater Tuesday.

Rollins’ punk rock resume is impressive. Inspired by his first Ramones record, he became a roadie for multiple D.C.-based bands, eventually commandeering the mic from Teen Idles’ singer when said singer fell off the map. Bad Brains occasionally had Rollins cameo after getting wind of his ability. When Minor Threat headhunted Extorts’ vocalist Lyle Preslar, Rollins formed State of Alert with ex-Extorts members. The brainy meathead financed S.O.A.’s sole EP with ice cream money he earned managing a Häagen-Dazs. And then there was Black Flag.

His punk tenure definitely earned Rollins several lifetimes worth of street cred (not to mention a Grammy for his oral Black Flag diary Get in the Van), but his post-punk career is multidisciplinary enough to net him “low-budget Renaissance Man” bragging rights. Actor, writer, speaker, activist, radio DJ, TV host and blogger are all roles Rollins plays these days. Juggling is just second nature. He gets a little typecast in the drama department, but parts as a cop, a warden, an eBay ass-kicker and even a white supremacist prove Rollins is all too happy portraying an angry asshole. Range is still demonstrated, though, when the graying rocker lends his own persona to eclectic projects like RuPaul’s Drag Race and William Shatner’s Gonzo Ballet.

Wave the white flag Abe–Rollins is on a workaholism-fueled roll.


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